

Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2015 American erotic romantic drama film directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, with a screenplay by Kelly Marcel. The film is based on the 2011 novel of the same name by British author E. L. James and stars Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele, a college graduate who begins a sadomasochistic relationship with young business magnate Christian Grey, played by Jamie Dornan. The film premiered at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival on February 11, 2015 and was released on February 13, 2015, by Universal Pictures and Focus Features. Despite receiving generally negative reviews, it was an immediate box office success, breaking numerous box office records and earning over $571 million worldwide. The film was the most awarded at the 36th Golden Raspberry Awards, winning five of six nominations, including Worst Picture (tied with Fantastic Four) and both leading roles. In contrast, Ellie Goulding's single "Love Me like You Do" was nominated for the Go...


Psychoanalyst and philosopher Adam Phillips stated, “[A]nyone who could maintain a state of happiness, given the state of the world, is living in a delusion. Argue for or against this stance. I’m going to argue against this stance. Yes, the world is crazy right now but if you are happy as a person that should be all that matters. I think what he is trying to say is that no on should be happy with the economy and all the craziness in the world. Some examples are the terror attacks, guns, and all the political scandals that are going on. “One of the obstacles is the demand that we be happy, that we enjoy our lives. I think it’s a huge distraction, and it’s very undermining, I think. So, living in a quasi-hedonistic culture, I think it’s a big problem. It’s wrong because, if we are to make this crude, in the old days whenever that was, there was an internal injunction to be good. Now the injunction is to be happy, or to be enjoying yourself. And the reason this is a distra...

Rumor Blog

Something as simple as buying a bottle of water from the corner never seemed dangerous right. Apparently someone posted a video and photo of a few cases of water brought at a Walmart and there were bubbles at the top of the bottles. This got turned all around in a rumor saying don't buy bottle water someone is injecting poison into them and people are dying. This rumor is completely false. In the social media post no states were mention but the city "Richmond." "suggesting that the rumor may have started as a riff on a 3 March 2018 Facebook post purporting to offer photographic proof that the caps of nearly all of the bottles of water in a shrink-wrapped package purchased at in Bennington, Vermont had been pierced with a pin, needle, or similar sharp object. The following is the link to the actual Facebook posting. " (snopes) ". Richmond, CA was contacted and th...

Ethicial Dilemma

I am going to be writing about the ethical dilemma in healthcare that is all to familiar and that is a patients last wishes. I have seen it so many times so far though out my healthcare career that a patients wishes were not honored. There is specific codes that we have to take when we are in healthcare and here are a few. Included among these is the International Council of Nurses’ ICN Code of Ethics. This states that nurses, in addition to carrying out their main responsibilities of promoting health, mitigating suffering, and preventing illness in patients, must also display “a respect for human rights, including cultural rights, the right to life and choice, to dignity, and to be treated with respect”.   The code also states that while nurses are primarily responsible to those individuals who require nursing care, they must also render services to families and communities. This makes it clear that nurses have a wide range of responsibilities to a wide range of in...


Hi I’m Erica. I’m from Delaware and moved to Fort Mill  SC in June 2016. I’m married and have 4 kids ages 8-20. I’m working on my RN. I’m currently a CNA at a nursing home in Tega Cay